Michael Pisano is a Graphic Designer/Animator; born, raised and based in New York City. He's married and has a baby girl (sorry ladies).‬ ‪He has known Milosz Jeziorski since Freshman year of High School and they've been besties with testes ever since.‬ ‪Like Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the hit 90's comedy 'Junior', they gave birth to a child. A brain child.‬ ‪That brain child is Jubei and he's going to make them rich.‬

Michael is inspired by his wife Veronica and all things awesome like action movies, video games and Metallica.
His favorite food is a rare ribeye steak, favorite drink is Sam Adams and favorite pattern is plaid on flannel. He knows what you're thinking "WHAT A MAN!". Michael's Portfolio

Milosz Jeziorski gets up in the morning, makes delicious scrambled eggs with buttered cinnamon raison toast and a cup of tea or coffee (depending on how much sleep he had). Then he goes about his day, which usually involves a mixture of these things : creating music,  collaborating on film scores with directors, eating a croissant, teaching guitar, writing, playing with his cats, spending time with his fiance, meditating, and drinking a glass of smooth scotch whiskey.

Milosz may have the most Polish name in the world, but don't let that stop you. You can check out more about his musical endeavors at www.miloszjeziorski.com.

You can stay up to date on all things Jubei at the Official 'Jubei Facebook Page'. Just click here :

You can also peer into the mind of America's favorite 'burly man-fridge' on his Twitter account. Jubei is notorious for his tweets about food, women, and his favorite fighting moves. Click here to view Jubei's Twitter : Twitter @ Jubei4Ever

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